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Now users are able to transfer from one Scout unit to another without having to take a new application into the Scout office. On the “My Application” tab you can transfer yourself as an adult volunteer or your youth member from unit to unit. Unit leaders will be able to transfer youth by going to the new “Roster” feature in “Member Manager” and “Organization Manager” and select the youth who need to be transferred, then click the “Transfer” icon. This will create a transfer application which will be sent to the new unit with the ability to be approved in “Application Manager”. Transfers will take 48 hours to sync with the new unit. See the announcement on the My.Scouting landing page.
The “Roster tool” also allows unit leaders to email other leaders in the unit directly from the tool. Editing youth/adult profiles, and printing rosters/membership cards is also available in the updated tool.
So how do we do multiple enrollment within council and across council? I briefly looked at the transfer and it currently only works on youth and I was afraid to go to far and screw things up.
I had a unit attempt this today. They can only get it to work on a desktop computer, not a tablet or a phone. Secondly they were trying to transfer an AOL to the Troop and she kept getting the message “scout does not have a valid parent in the system” and she was not able to complete the transfer.
I tried to do this last night to transfer myself from my son’s old pack to his new troop.
It went ok on my end, but the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair aren’t sure what to do on theirs.
They go into their my.scouting account and can see my transfer request, but what should they do from there? The only options they see are “Reassign” or “Do Not Accept”. Is “Reassign” the correct option here? If so, I think it is poorly worded…
hmmmm - in application manager in the past I THINK Reassign was to send one back to council to be assigned to a different unit - but might as well be the guinea pig for us and find out
How does the unit I’m transferring to know I transferred? – Standard approval is still required. Youth transfers are approved by unit leaders and Adult transfers are approved by the COR or their designee. The approval is done just like all other approvals with online registrations, through “Application Manager”.
Thanks for that update.
What about instances where the COR does not use/own a computer - how can this new process be of use to the unit? That seems to be the predicament we are in now.
I have 70-year old Scouters that don’t have any problem using computers. It just bugs me when I run into someone that “doesn’t do computers” in 2020. Heck, my 80-year old Mom has no problems using a laptop and an iPad…
Yeah, I agree - not sure how anyone functions without some sort of access to the internet these days, be it on a computer, tablet, or smart phone. I’m not even sure who the COR is (I’m new to the troop), but I’ll bring this back to the Scoutmaster and CC and they can pursue this further. Thanks all!
This is a huge step forward. I really hope this functionality is extended to:
transfers between councils
district positions
It would be great to be entirely paperless, and easily able to clean up the data in My.Scouting by transferring adults and scouts out of the unit and the council when they move, not having to wait 6-9 months for recharter updates to get up to speed. And to be able to appoint/remove people from district and council positions from within the system.
Again, huge step in the right direction. Thank you.
This is great news. Very good to see the forward progress!
Curious if there is a roadmap or tech plan that can be shared?
It seems this is an area (My Application) that could use some product build out. I can imagine wizards, workflows, and multiple paths to get certain tasks started that relate to this area of functionality.
Again, thanks for your stewardship here @RickHillenbrand … one step at a time, we’ll get there.
There are other “agile” ways to set and manage expectations as well… I don’t want to distract with that here… It can get into jargon.
Not sure how the National IT Standing Committee operates to be perfectly up front, but it sounds like folks have been working hard - evidenced by the change over of scoutbook, and several new feature releases lately. That doesn’t happen by itself … Perhaps something will get tucked into the schedule by year end.
If there is a reference for the committee I’m interested in taking a peek.