YPT modules wont load

When I try to take YPT the modules will not load, and I’m left with a nearly blank screen.

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Make sure your using Google Chrome

More help here:

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I am having the same problem. Yes I am trying in Chrome. when I start the first module I get a nearly blank screen, just the menu at the top saying what the video should be, but no video ever loads.

Did you try a hard refresh?

  1. Hold down Ctrl (Control) + Shift and click R.
  2. Or hold down Ctrl (Control) and click the Reload button.
  3. Or hold down Ctrl (Control) and click F5.
  4. Or Open Chrome dev tools by clicking F12 and right-click Reload button. Then, click Hard Reload.

No help, tried all 3. Here is the log of what happens in the dev tools.

Just figured this out myself, I disabled my ad blocker and it loads. Perhaps the other user has the same issue.

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That is correct and is why in the log it says ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT. Pop-up blocker has always been required to be off for the Learn Center - including the old one.

It is always someone else causing the issue until in most cases it is not and turns out to be self imposed.

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