Activity tab?

Hi, first time here. Is it possible to add an activity tab to record things that are not hiking or tent camping related? Stuff like Snowbase where we stay in cabins? We also perform community service events like leaf raking for the elderly. Thanks.

One option is to use your unit’s Scoutbook calendar to record other activities that go beyond the Activity logs in Scoutbook / Internet Advancement, there’s a toggle in the Scoutbook calendar to indicate outdoor activities.

Cabin camping is camping, but it is not tent camping, do note that some requirements specifically mention a tent requirement.

If the unit is doing something like raking leaves for the elderly, that could be considered a unit-led community service project and those hours can (and should be!) recorded as Service hours in Internet Advancement, either by logging in directly or through the activity links in Scoutbook.

This is in the development backlog but we do not know when it will be scheduled.

What I do is I prefix all camping entries with Tent: or Cabin: etc. This helps me know which camping nights qualify for Camping MB.


We do the same with tent / cabin. We also put bike in for “bike hikes” and credit them at half mileage since that is how 2nd class does it.

For which other requirements?

We don’t use it for anything else other than a log of total miles.

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