I broke the markup on purpose so you can see what the markup looks like. Below that it is rendered properly. This example includes a link to our file section of our webpage and to payment via square.
[b]Troop 1401[/b ]
Turn in at the troop meeting before the campout:
*signed permission slip (Scouts given access to Scoutbook can print for parent to sign)
*campout fee
*health form A&B (if not already on file)
*medication form (turn in prescription medications day of campout).
Go to the [url=Files]troop website[/url ] for list of recommended gear, blank health form, and blank medication form.
Campout Fee: $30 – cash, check, card, or [url=Campout - Standard]payment online[/url ] ($2 fee to pay by card or online).
[b]Other Campout Details[/b ]
Annual Baird School Scouting Winter Camp. We will have one of the cabins for 1401 (and maybe girls from the pack). This is an awesome event with 1401, boy’s troop 1201, and the family pack 4201. We will have a campfire program with songs and skits on Saturday night!
[b]The troop committee will meet during Winter Camp in lieu of the January meeting. [/b ]
Contact Mr. Johnson with any questions.
Ph/txt 920-544-2181 or email scoutmaster@troop1401.org.
[b]RSVP before: December 31st[/b ]
Here it is rendered:
Troop 1401
Turn in at the troop meeting before the campout:
*signed permission slip (Scouts given access to Scoutbook can print for parent to sign)
*campout fee
*health form A&B (if not already on file)
*medication form (turn in prescription medications day of campout).
Go to the troop website for list of recommended gear, blank health form, and blank medication form.
Campout Fee: $30 – cash, check, card, or payment online ($2 fee to pay by card or online).
Other Campout Details
Annual Baird School Scouting Winter Camp. We will have one of the cabins for 1401 (and maybe girls from the pack). This is an awesome event with 1401, boy’s troop 1201, and the family pack 4201. We will have a campfire program with songs and skits on Saturday night!
The troop committee will meet during Winter Camp in lieu of the January meeting.
Contact Mr. Johnson with any questions.
Ph/txt 920-544-2181 or email scoutmaster@troop1401.org.
RSVP before: December 31st