Adults transferring to other Troop

I have 2 scouts and 2 adults that are transferring to a different unit.

The adults show in membership in the 2 units. It has been that way for about a week. In Scoutbook, the new unit doesn’t show up in their “membership” configuration screen.

Is there something I need to do to end their membership in our troop?
Is that automatic?
Is that something the registrar does?

The Scouts eventually had the second unit show up in their “Membership” configuration screen. I ended their membership in our troop on the indicated day it showed the membership start in the new troop. Poof, they were gone.

Are you an Admin in Scoutbook for both units?

No. But for the Scouts, I saw the other unit in their membership screen. For the adults, I don’t see the other unit in their membership screen.

For adults, you will only see their leadership positions with your unit.

Have they dropped off your roster in the Member Manager at

No, they still show up in member manager. I can see the other unit in the my.scouting iPhone app. Maybe it is a bug since I can’t see the other units in web interface.

I guess I should email the registrar and see what is up?

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The registrar may have added the position in the new troop, as opposed to ending the old position in your troop and transferring the adult to the new troop. That would leave the adults on your roster, and also have them appear on the other roster.

Do the adults themselves see the new unit in Scoutbook? They (or you as a unit admin) can end their positions in your unit, but if they’re still on your official roster, they might reappear.

Contact your council registrar to fix.

Background information:

Transfer Registrations Individuals (both youth and adult) with a current unexpired paid BSA registration can transfer their registration to any other BSA unit, district, or council position at no charge by completing a new application. This includes transferring from one council to another.

A transferred registration is considered a paid registration and is included in membership totals.

Councils should use the transfer registrant feature in the BSA membership system to ensure that the registration is not duplicated and included twice in membership totals.

– per Registration Guidebook of the BSA, 100-092, ©2019 Boy Scouts of America, July 2019, pp. 14-15

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