is it the awarded comma?? looking at my export and MB Requirements I see no extra comma - they all line up
This is the record as seen in Scoutbook UI
But the export record has 3 instances of 3/13/2024 in it, one of which is appearing in the “Leader Approved By” column, to me that date seems like an extra output.
In every case, the “Leader Approved By” column is being populated with the same date as the “Marked Completed” column.
In case anyone has uber access, here is our unitID.
It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve see a disparity in an application, particularly if things are multi-tenant segmented.
I sent you a private message. Click on the gray circle with white R in the upper right of your forum window.
Thank you all for your help thus far. Once sorted. I’ll point you to a gist of a reporting database I use in PostgreSQL.
I have passed this on to the developers for investigation.
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