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Something is off on my Scout’s advancement - he completed Webelos and got “superachiever” for all electives including the preview ones… When I go to his page in SB+ - this is what I see. Several adventures have been approved and awarded but appears to be still “in progress”
ETA: I checked a few others in his den (I am Cubmaster so I can see everyone) and they have the same situation - showing as “not started” when they have actually completed/been awarded the activity. Modular Design, Castaway, Game Design, Sports,
We are having the same issue with out scouts and adventures earned but showing “not started”. I think that they ones that say “not started” are the adventures that are being discontinued for the 2024 changes.
@ChristopherRodkey I assume you mean you edited the den and changed the den level. If that’s the case, Ive found that logging out, closing the browser, and logging back in shows everything changed as intended despite the errors.