Appears with the new program; there are several awards/adventures images that are broken:
@TrevorStrosnider - if you are looking at that is, they will not be updated. You need to be in for the cub scout program
Thanks, Why will they not be updated in scoutbook? Seems like if no plans to update it should of removed the whole interface. It is great for the parents and scouts to see all of their awards/achievements on a single pane of glass.
Some things have already migrated 100% to SB+ (Cub advancement, profiles) and some (all non-Cub advancement, awards, connections, messaging) are still only in classic SB. Eventually classic SB will be a thing of the past and everyone (Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Sea Scouts) will all be in SB+.
Thanks, SB+ is feels more clunky, slower and harder when you are trying to edit something for one unit and it decides to switch to a different unit.
I’m not a giant fan of SB+ personally, but the BSA has already made their decisions about replacing the old interface with not only a new code base but also a new look-and-feel. My biggest personal complaint is the proliferation of context-sensitive menus you don’t know are there until you accidentally click on something and discover it.
My understanding is that eventually the app will be updated to reflect the new program updates and that will be the “preferred” interface for parents/scouts.
Nationalreally let the user base dictate how things should be not the other way around… I just inherited a few scouts from a unit that didn’t use SB at all, and they do not have awards tied to their permanent record because of it.
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