Where should we "start" now?

Question - based on some of the things I am reading about “X will not be updated in the original SB interface” should we instruct our den leaders to ditch the Scoutbook interface going forward and go directly to Internet Advancement instead? I am a Cubmaster/Den Leader/Pack Admin and Parent - so I am not entirely sure what my den leaders are seeing but if certain things will never be updated in the original Scoutbook - should we just skip it completely now? (Vs the current situation where you go to SB first and then it re directs you to IA?) Is there anything that we could/should still be doing in the old Scoutbook? The only thing that I am seeing is Nova/Supernova awards - I can’t seem to update those in IA but I can still do it in SB… I have one kiddo still working on that - but he is 90% done and after him - I don’t think we will be working on them any more.


Scoutbook Plus should primarily be used for Cub Scouts. There are some features, such as messaging, that have not yet been migrated so you will need to use Scoutbook for these features.

@EricaReed1 also Awards have not been moved yet - BUT we are also trying to get clear guidance on what Cub Awards even exist anymore - you example of NOVA - most were based on adventures that no longer exist.

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