In Scoutbook+ / Roster / Run Report dropdown / Unit Roster the AOL den is missing in the report. The report ends after Webelos.
@ThomasCline - that is a report based on rank. Do you have anyone that has earned AOL ?
You should have a more robust report at > Unit link > Reports > Roster Builder Manager
So the issue is there is no out of box Unit Roster that works for the unit when the scouts haven’t earn rank, for example those who just signed up. You are saying that leaders have to go and create a report to show Unit Roster info. Now I could probably manage that, but I know so many of my fellow leaders do not have the skills to do that themselves. This should be an out of box solution via Scoutbook+ / Roster / Run Report dropdown / Unit Roster dropdown.
The unit roster is good idea, just need all fields to populate for members who are assigned to dens not just awarded rank. This way it works all year long and not just at the end of the year.
@ThomasCline - when i run the unit roster report as you have in the original post i get the adults followed by youth member (they are the scouts of no rank) followed by lion, tiger…
For the method I noted you can save the report and share them out to other leaders.
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