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Can someone please clarify the “Approved” vs “Awarded” notations in the scout records on Scoutbook? It seems like the last set of items I uploaded are all marked with only “Approved” and I a not sure why? Does this still show in the BSA records?
Advancement items will show up to your local council as soon as they are marked “Approved” by a leader in the unit. “Awarded” is a status for unit use.
Some units use the Awarded status to indicate that the item (patch, pin, belt loop, etc.) has been presented / awarded to the Scout. Other units present the item soon after it is earned, but use the Awarded status to indicate that the Scout has been recognized (at a court of honor, pack meeting, etc.)
If you mark items as Awarded, then they will not generate a Purchase Order (PO) or Advancement Report (because there is no need to purchase items that have already been presented to the Scout).