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The National Outdoor Achievement Award - Camping patch requirements in the Scoutbook Awards module registers requirement 3 “3.
Complete the requirements for two of the following three:” as completed when only one badge has been completed. The system should only register this requirement as complete when 2 of the 3 badges are earned.
I have one scout in my roster registering as complete, even though they have only completed 1 Merit Badge from the list.
Please fix this error to correctly calculate the status complete and not register the award as complete unless 2 of three badges are earned. Please notify me if/when you can fix the scout in my roster who shows this award as earned in error. Thank you!
This was fixed on August 6. You must update 1 requirement to have the completion percentage updated for NOAA awards that had the wrong percent complete prior to August 6. If the award was marked compete, you need to click on the completion date and delete it to have the percent complete updated.
I’m seeing just opposite. I’m new to advancements at Troop level, and am trying to make sure kids are getting all recognitions. I have several that have completed all the camping requirements, but #3 isn’t showing complete (they’ve all finished cooking and first aid). Is there something else I need to do for it to populate?
@MarshallHaynes There was a recent bug fix to this award. Try going to the Scout’s Awards page, click on the National Outdoor Achievement Award (Camping) link and go to the requirements page. This should cause the checkbox for requirement 3 to update. Go back to Scout’s Awards page, then back to the requirements pack and requirement 3 should be checked off.