NOA Camping bug 2.0

The previous post was closed after that bug was fixed, so I started a new thread.

Now the NOA Camping Award works correctly in terms of merit badges, but for some reason it shows the date completed as the date when the 25 camping nights were completed (Sept. 22, 2019) even though the last requirement for the award wasn’t completed until Aug. 21, 2020. I tried going in and editing the completion date. It doesn’t stick. It keeps showing as the earlier date.

Cooking Merit Badge was the last requirement and that was completed Friday.


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not sure on this - I think it might be 2 fold - for me #3 is not auto-completing with 1 done - I enter #4 and then #3 autos and grabs last date which was #4
Will report

I’m having a similar problem. Camping MB was completed last but date completed for award is the date the camping nights was completed for one scout and for a second scout it is the date he earned first class rank.

@Cassy was First class the last thing?

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