Having the system automatically fill in permission slips for events is great, but for various reasons we often have parents who don’t get the form printed out, or who forget to bring it to the troop meeting. It would be nice if there was a button to generate a blank permission slip for an event that fills in the event details but leaves everything else empty so it can be filled in by hand.
I agree. It sometimes takes a while before the Council processes new applications, and new Scouts would want to go on outings right away.
Also, in addition to pre-filling out the event details on the permission slips, I suggest populating the unit leader contact information at the bottom, driven by information from the calendar event.
In addition to the leader contact I wish there was a misc. field for things that are unique for that trip, like don’t forget your fishing pole or bring something to trade for brass. Our seasoned scouts know what to bring, but first timers on special trips obviously don’t. We remind at the meetings but it’s always helpful to have on the permission slip too.
I use the Event Description which shows up on the event invite / reminder.
Thanks, that’s a good idea, it’ll certainly help. Now if they could just include that on the permission slip as well. I like parents signing the sheet with the info so they can’t claim later they never saw that.
Our unit has a unit-specific permission slip for each event, rather than using the generic Scoutbook slips. Specific information can be included on that type of permission slip, and a link to the slip can be included in the body of the event so that parents can download and submit the permission slip. That way, your unit can include what you think the adults need to know as part of the slip.
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