Bug reporting in Forum

This is a request to leave open confirmed issues (even if rare) until the poster confirms resolution or has failed to respond to a request to respond. I was unable to post back an important update to my issue. I was awaiting Council to investigate/fix a registration database error, and the issue still remains after that fix. It is important that confirmed issues can be updated by the reporter until the reporter confirms it fixed or the issue is deemed neglected by a moderator.

There also should be a way to request reopening of a closed topic to add important information.

Thank you!


We used not have topics auto close but far too many people would find very old topics and post to them instead of starting a new topic. This caused problems because we could often not figure out what the new issue is. The volunteers that monitor the forums do not have the time to go back and close topics after a problem is fixed. There are no Scouting America staff members that monitor the forums.

All topics not marked with a solution will remain open for 7 days from the last post. If you want your topic to remain open, you can add a new comment weekly. Topics marked with a solution close 24 hours from the last post.

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