I love the interactive dle option for meetings, but without being able to add extra information to the event it was not convenient for my parents. I hide the DLE meetings in the calendar so I still have access to the experience. However, now if I create an event (say a den meeting) on the calendar through scoutbook nothing posts on the calendar. Did I turn off all event postings from my account when hiding the populated meetings from DLE?
The first thing to check when you are on the calendar is that you have the right den selected. To do so, click the gear icon and make sure your den have a check.
Likewise, when creating the event, make sure it is for your den and you have invited people, especially yourself.
Thanks for your response. I can see the event on my calendar using the online scoutbook. The app does not show anything scheduled that day. I do have the correct den selected and I have invites out. I even received the meeting reminder email for my child. Many of my parents use the app so without it showing anything there they may miss events I create.
I should mention I am a new den leader but I do have admin rights to the den on scoutbook.
To clarify, you see the events in scoutbook.scouting.org but not in the Scouting app. Correct?
Did you invite the scouts only or parents too? Maybe try inviting the parents too?
I can see it, but my cub master said he could not using the online scoutbook. I just checked and all parents are invited as well. We meet tonight so I am going to check with my parents to see if they received the emails and can see the meetings.
When I log in to the app I do not see any meeting info for my den. I can see it in the den leader as a scheduled meeting but not the scoutbook app
@EmilyGulledge - in the scouting app make sure your scout is selected.
Can you explain that? I click the events tab at the bottom of the app screen, how do I select my scout in particular?
Does your Cubmaster have a scout on your den? Otherwise, they shouldn’t expect to see it in the app, which is really built for scouts and their parents.
This suggests that maybe the Cubmaster isn’t looking at the correct calendar. Does the CM have the den calendar displayed in Scoutbook, or just the pack calendar? He can select which calendars to display by choosing the gear icon in Scoutbook.
If the CM is looking for the event in his Upcoming Events list, it won’t appear unless he or his scout are invited.
Regarding the app, I think that inviting the parents and the scouts should make sure that it appears whether or not they are looking at their “profile” or their scout’s.
@EmilyGulledge - here is the help doc on the red scouting app:
The lower left has the scout icon, click on that to select a scout.
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