Den Event does not show in Scouting app

My Den meeting created by me and seen in Scoutbook online and my synchronized Google calendar. Meeting does not show in My Calendar in the Scouting app on Android (latest version 2.5.23). No filters set and I can see other Pack-wide meetings and Committee meetings that aren’t den level meetings.

I need to view my meetings as a Den leader.

Are you listed as an invitee to the calendar event?

@AndrewDelosky - the scouting app is just for parents and scouts and not for leaders

I can see events in the app that my scout isn’t invited to, so I can understand the confusion. I think that, in my case at least, those are events to which I am invited both as a scouter and as a parent (i.e. someone clicked Select All for both the Leaders and Parents lists).

@CharleyHamilton - ah… ok… will need to check on my login

Yes. I created it, invited myself to it, and RSVP’d to attend.

So as a parent of a scout in the den that has been invited to the meeting, why can’t I see it?

@AndrewDelosky - what happens if when looking at the calendar in the scouting app, you swipe down to force a refresh of the data ? I just checked and I indeed can see events for the troop, pack and crew

I’ve tried refreshing like that several times. Nothing more shows than Pack level events. I even went to look at my next Den meeting that I setup - and I’m invited too and have RSVP’d for - and it does not show as an event on that day in the calendar.

Again - it shows in my Scoutbook Events. Does not show in the Scouting app Events. Also, I’ve checked the filters. I’ve checked everything and unchecked everything. Either way, I only see Pack level events.

@AndrewDelosky - so scoutbook is fine, so not a scoutbook bug. My honest thought is that as a leader this may well be the expected behavior as this is really meant to be used by parents and scouts. Are you unable to use on your mobile device ?

The culprit is the DLE. The horrible experience of the DLE. I went in yesterday to “play around with it” not knowing the ramifications and next thing I knew, my den had un-editable and un-deleteable calendar entries go out to all my parents for the next 5 months.

And while that calendar entry was NOT done in the DLE - and it doesn’t hide from Scoutbook when I hide the DLE calendar - it hides from the app when I hide that calendar. I’m assuming the same thing is happening to ALL my den parents.

There should honestly be warnings to new den leaders about using the DLE. I had NO IDEA the headaches it would cause until I came to these forums.

@AndrewDelosky - well there you have it. I caution my leadership to never use it

there are one or two HUNDRED forums posts with SUAC saying do not use DLE or Beware of DLE.

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@AndrewDelosky the solution for you is this - have unit Admin make a new Scoutbook Den for you - then the DLE stuff is stuck on old den and you have a fresh start.


Which is all well and good if you know to come to the forums before using the DLE. But there’s nothing about setting it up as a new den leader that ever warns you that you are making permanent and irreversible events and edits to your den.

That’s all I’m saying. The DLE interface itself should provide a warning just based on the impact alone.

I just moved all events to August 1 so that they no longer show in anyone’s calendar. I will track all advancement through my own manually entered events and I don’t have to hide the DLE events which seems to cause other unanticipated problems through the app calendar.

@AndrewDelosky - and just a bit of advice. The events do not link to advancement. You would need to do quick entry or individual entry via


The group that funded DLE does not believe there is anything wrong with it so despite many users requesting changes over the last few years, the major issues have not been fixed. There is no way this group would authorize a warning to avoid using DLE or explaining the issues.


Based on this, your best bet sounds like finding a sympathetic professional scouter in your council to champion pushing for changes to be made. That said, given @edavignon’s comments, even that might not be enough to drive fixes. You might have success getting your DE/DC to get the word out at roundtable (and maybe engaging the council RT commish to coordinate doing the same at others).

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