Calendar links not hidden in text

When adding URL link to text in the body of a calendar event it shows up in the text on the calendar.

OK I was partially able to duplicate this and will try to report it - though I do not fully see the bug yet

I think the immediate solution is making a short url with a free service like - you can do it without signing up

This worked in scoutbook using the coding. Now that the new process is in place it would be good if it worked correctly. I am ok with the long URL. Just need this to work right going forward. Making a tiny url is ONE MORE STEP that should not be required.

Also getting this message when I duplicate the event, change only the date, I get this error.

This is the rest of the event

When I delete the reminders from the original post and create new reminders for the duplicated event, I go this message.

When I proceeded online but deleted the reminders on this duplicated event I get this message. I have just this event to put in the calendar. I will give up on the duplicate and create a new event and hope that works. Need to be done with the cub calendar for this cub year!

HA! gave up and went back to the monthly calendar to find it had saved. Needed to remove “COPY” from the name of the event but the information AND the reminders were there. Frustrating to spend this amount of time on it.

Hoping these error messages get fixed for the next unsuspecting leaders gets this issue.

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