Reminder Emails

We are getting two different types of reminder emails that are being sent out through IA. One looks like the older Scoutbook reminder with a clickable link to RSVP. The other is a new email that just says Boy Scouts of America Calendar Event reminder. It’s just the event details and no links to the event or to RSVP.

Both of these events were created on IA in the last 5 or 6 days.

ASAP are the new look - timed reminders use the old SB system

Ok that is very strange. Makes it hard on a short notice event to get an email that includes a clickable link.

Does that mean the format and signature style is intentional?

It was a quick fix when a surprise was found - SUAC is working on finding the best solution

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I’m frustrated by this…if I add a new event that is a month from now but I require RSVP’s, I want email notifications to go out ASAP with a link to RSVP. Please bring the “send now” notification option back.

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Send now in the legacy calendar still works

Bring back the old calendar. The new one is horrible. A perfect example of a software product that was poorly tested and not ran through a good deal of user acceptance testing


The new calendar has been available for all users to test since December. The links to the calendar in Scoutbook were not changed until the number of bug reports was very low and the types were things easily worked around.

The old calendar is not coming back.


@DonovanMcNeil - just to follow up question - The ASAP format is temporary? Or will it be customizable in the near future? The format and signature in the ASAP would be great if it had the unit image or whatever the editors chose and the signature should be the event creator or the SM or the SPL. Do you or SUAC have a rough estimate when this will be amended or improved? Thanks.

@RobertEberhart BSA does not release timelines - the ASAP format is an interesting debate as some like the professional look of it while others do not.

I hope they get it fixed with a link to the event and rsvp functionality. On a short term event you may only have a day or so to get info out and get rsvps.

There are a couple issues being discussed with the ASAP reminders. First is that the description and link to the event are excluded. That is a bug that will definitely need to be fixed.

Second is the overall style of it. That is personal preference. I tend to agree that it it shouldn’t have the appearance of coming from the bsa, but national may not.

Appearance is not really an issue to me. Just the functionality of the email. Plus the RSVP system in IA is difficult for users to RSVP their whole family unit. This needs(and may already be) worked on. When I open IA to an event, i should be able to click myself and any connected scouts I have easily, as confirming or declining attendance. Right now i mostly get parent confirmations only because its convoluted to rsvp yourself and then find your scout.

@TravisMiller I agree with pretty much everything you said. The SUAC has passed along several suggestions to improve this.

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