I’m not sure where to put this, but a bit disappointed in the sudden shift from Scoutbook calendar to Internet Advancement Calendar because it isn’t production ready imo.
Event Reminder Emails
- How do I create unique subjects, right now it says “Calendar Event Reminder” - without a unique subject these will stack in Gmail and communication will be challenging.
- New HTML editor doesn’t work as expected and linking to URLs includes code
- Is there a way to replace the “Boy Scouts of America” header and footer?
These are all known issues that are currently being worked on by the developers.
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@EdDavignon thanks for the update, once again very disappointed in BSA . Once again making my volunteer leader experience harder.
@BrettGough I found a work around in ScoutBook, you can manualy send event messages from Scoutbook once you have entered the information in the Calendar, it will pull all the information and display all the Bold and Url correctly. .

That is a function of the Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox.
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Hi, as someone who has never used the Chrome extension, I could add a comment on the event in the old Scoutbook calendar and it would send out a message to all invited.
I thought the comments only went out to admins, not everyone invited?
Hello, I have to say I would love if we could go back to the older format of calendar. The new format seems to be mostly unusable on a phone which is where I get most of my work done. Can it be formatted to be more user friendly on a phone platform?
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@JacquelineLowe - i actually have no issues with it on my phone or tablet. If you could be more specific on what the issues are rather than generalities
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If I pull down my daughters name from drop down menu at an event it is unclear if I am marking her or me as confirming or declining and I also do not seem to have ability to change an RSVP for any other scout as the same link to click on is not on the phone like it is on the computer.
The old Scoutbook would email attendees when a comment was added. There was also a section for “notes” for admins only. Example: Last year’s Memorial Day Parade had a last-minute change in the meetup location. I added a comment to the calendar and it sent an event notification to the attendees which also included the event title. Something similar can be achieved with the new calendar using reminders but you can not edit these messages.
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Comment emails we are pretty sure never went to ever invitee - in testing now on old calendar it seems they only go to creator - testing with RSVP on now
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@Rick.Sedivec - unfortunately you are mistaken on the comments. Only the event creator or administrator got notified as i have cooy of those.
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From: scoutbook.scouting.org Scoutbook.DoNotReply@scouting.org
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023 9:49 PM
To: Richard S… <Richard.S…>
Subject: Pack 160 : Tiger Meeting Member Comment
Andrew B… Commented on Pack 160’s event Tiger Meeting occuring on Apr 17, 2023 from 6:30PM till 7:30PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Comment: Hi everyone! I am taking over as Den Leader and am looking forward to getting meetings back on track!!
I have no way of testing this since the old Scoutbook calendar is retired, it did send out an email notification as a “Member Comment” and the “Notes” section for Admins Only was shown when the Event was in edit mode. Either way, I do not think the new Calendar generates any notifications from the event comments.
Yes, to admins, not the whole group.
Thank you very much for sharing this! I just tested it and it works!
(It’s sad that a volunteer had to figure this out through trial and error.)
Actually, I spoke too soon. It worked the first time. But when I went back and made just one change, the spaces between the lines were removed. So I guess this solution only works if you never make any changes to the event.
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How long does it take for revisions to an event to appear? Made an update to an event created in previous calendar, hit Save, and 24 hours later it isn’t showing as updated. Thanks
@HollyKunkle They are immediate