Can’t save calendar event without map URL

Based heavily on Lisa Batten’s post because it is the same problem.

I cannot save an event to my den’s calendar. Every time I hit save, it says “Location Map URL: Please enter a valid url.” This is a virtual event, so I tried putting in the Zoom URL and that did not work. Valid google map URLs also do not work.

I did manage to do the “save profile” and completely restart from scratch thing, but this is a bug that needs to be fixed or the already unfriendly calendar becomes even more unfriendly. These online tools are more important than ever for Scouting units and this stuff needs to work!

I cannot reproduce this - what I did see is I get the error if the field has a space in it - could autofill be adding a space for some reason

I did see this yesterday (4/23). I then saved my text of the entry body off to the side, abandoned the change and came back. It then saved.

I’ve been able to enter zoom addresses url field. Can you try turning the extension off to set it up?

I haven’t had the problem again since I posted the bug. Do you think it might be caused by the Feature Extension for Chrome?

That was my first thought, but I’ve been told otherwise.

Make sure the URL field, even if it appears to be blank, does not contain only spaces. I have added an item to the backlog to strip spaces from the URL field before validating it.

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