Getting message “Location Map URL: Please enter a valid URL” when trying to save a new event

I know that someone else raised the same issue a few days back but topic was closed and the problem is not resolved.

I cannot create new events in my Troop calendar because SB insists that I enter a “valid URL.” I have tried multiple times to enter URL’s for the camp’s website, the map location and have yet to find a format that SB will accept.

Why was this particular feature added and why is there no guidance letting users know exactly what is supposed to be entered in this field?

@CharlesOlson can I setup a screenshare to see this? we have not been able to reproduce


I would be glad to or even do a Zoom but I’m about to break for lunch. What time would work.

In the meantime, let me give you an update.

I finally was able to get it to take the event but it took a bit of searching to find out exactly what format the field is looking for.


I found the answer in under the topic “Share a map or location”


When you follow those instructions, this is what you get:

I’m fairly computer savvy but I’m not sure the average Scouter would know how to do this. This filed ought to be an optional one.


I can basically set it up anytime @CharlesOlson


I’m ready. I even have an event I need to create.


I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

@CharlesOlson it is running please see direct message in top right avatar

@CharlesOlson do you have extension on? try turning it off

A new version of the Scoutbook Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox has been released that fixes this problem.

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