If a youth ages out in December an error is produced when trying to add them as an adult for the 2022 charter period. It says the age is out of range. The acceptable range for validation 18 (or 21 depending on program) should be Jan 1, 2022, not the current date.
As it is currently designed, in order to retain membership, the only option is to leave them as Youth (Scouts BSA) or Venturing Participant (Venturing/Sea Scouts). This is undesirable as then they are charged the Youth rate for 2022. If they are 21 on Jan 1, they should be able to be designated as Adults in the charter system so they are charged the appropriate Adult rate
If you provide the scout’s bsa member number and your bsa member number, we can report this to the developers.
BSA ID of person submitting charter: 117885961
BSA ID of Venturing Participant with December birthday: 120998597
My BSA ID: 114304776
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I am having a similar issue with a Venturing Participant. She will turn 21 on 12/29/2021. Can’t add as new Adult with that DOB, comes back with error “Invalid age for the new adult” because I am trying to add a 20 year old V.P. as a Crew Adult (not yet 21). Removing as Youth does not change anything. Need a solution.
Our Council is rechartering now (our charters expire 9/30) and I have a Crew trying to add a participant experiencing a similar problem
Youth BSA ID: 129927343
DOB 8/28/2004
When trying to add as an existing member in the recharter tool as Adult/Venturing Participant, Youth/Youth Member, or Participant/–, Crew Advisor sees “invalid age for the new member” and cannot continue.
I suspect the unit charter period is the calendar year and the recharter period starts in September. Fees are often based on the unit charter period.
You can confirm this with your council registration staff.
@NancyHodgkiss Please contact your local council for assistance.