Cannot RSVP for my scout - only for myself

I’m unable to RSVP for my son for events, but I can RSVP for myself. We are connected in Scoutbook, though. One of the committee members disconnected and reconnected us in Scoutbook (a sort of reset that one other parent reported as having worked for them), but it seems to have made no difference for me.

My SB ID: 9224531
My son’s SB ID: 7503881


In the upper right of your SB+ window, do you have your parent role selected?

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Is this troop 1347? Are you sure he is listed as an invitee for the event?

This is Troop 1347, and I has my role as a leader in Pack 1347 selected instead of as a parent to my son. I’m unable to verify if this works, though, because now the calendar has been wiped clean, so there are no events to RSVP to.

Can you try a hard refresh (shift + refresh)?

It must’ve just been a temporary glitch. Everything seems to be working now

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