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Our troop has been using Scoutbook as of Jan 1 2022 for event signups.
I have one adult leader/parent who was able to get in to scoutbook but cannot RSVP for herself , only her scout. She was transfered from a council in GA and is on our committee. User ID 9105110
I have a second adult leader/parent who receives an error message when attempting to log in, every time. She was our YPT person and an ASM, but her my.scouting credentials do not allow her to log into Scoutbook. User ID 8867581
Last, I have a mom who is connected with her scout, but cannot log in. She is not a leader so I do not believe she has a my.scouting log-in . Her email is associated with her husbands name, he is a committee member. Both emails are connected to their son’s account. User ID for mom’s email 8535783. User ID for dad’s email 12276976. Dad’s profile should have his BSA ID#, but it is attached to what should be Mom’s profile. Both profiles show dad’s name.
I found and merged three scoutbook accounts for her. Can you confirm which council you are in? Further, I believe she has been logging in as her son. She should be logging in her a username that is firstnamelastname.
She needs to use the Google login button.
I swapped the emails on the accounts. Dad should be logging into scoutbook and my.scouting with the username like firstnamelastname1. I’d suggest changing the first name on Mom’s account to avoid confusion going forward.