I was able to create this activity but then once everyone showed up to camp I was not able to add any of the scouts or parents I kept getting the following error… I figured maybe it was a glitch and I would wait until this morning to add everyone but I am continuing to get the same error.
Did some more investigating in the console and its spitting this out
{"errorCode":"M400","message":"Bad Request","errorDesc":"Error validating JSON. Error: - Expected min items 1\n- Expected min items 1 (org.mule.module.apikit.exception.BadRequestException)"}
here is the payload going up if it helps
There’s a lot of known bugs when entering activities into IA.
For my Troop, I don’t create the activities until after the event has happened because of problems like this. At one time, we couldn’t delete activities after the event had been created so rather than have a bunch of activities that couldn’t be edited or were canceled, it was easier to just wait to create them in IA. Thankfully, we can once again delete activities.
One of the workarounds is for you to delete the activity and then create it again but instead of creating it from the IA calendar, do it from your Unit Roster by selecting the participants first and then creating the activity with the selected participants directly from the Roster.
Alternatively, you could try making the event again via the calendar and adding all of the participants before you hit the create activity button.
Awesome, thanks for the tips I will go through and try one of those work arounds for now. Thank you!
You’re welcome! I hope one of those options works for you
Does anyone know if admins are working on this issue. Sure would be nice to add all the activities for the year and then add the scouts that attended. Actually if it would link to the troop calendar and when we take attendance it would auto fill them for the service project or camping.
Yes, developers are working on the issue (it has been reported in other threads) – but no, there is no ETA at this time.
Still no ETA on resolution to this issue?
Generally, the developers don’t announce a fix until it has been released to production servers, rather than announcing a fix will be released. There are sometimes advanced warning of major changes to how things will work for planned feature changes, but not always.
Thanks Charley, we have only been using SB for a few months. Trying to move from TM to save the Troop money, and give the parents a more visual interface to work with.