Cant make connection

I have a new scout and have been unable to connect their parents to them. I also have the same dad from that family inable to complete his account setup. His birthday is not able to be edited and complete his registration.


Child’s SB ID: 12991850
Dad’s member ID: 14797373
Mom’s member ID: 13912747

@EmilyBrinkmann I would recommend that you reach out to your local council for assistance.

The Scout has 2 BSA member ID numbers, but no registrations and does not have the parent / child user relationships.

The older brother is connected to Mom, but their user relationships look odd.

When the user relationships are set up correctly (parent / child), then the parents should be automatically connected to their Scout(s) in Scoutbook.

Any idea who to reach out to in my local council?

Generally, it’s your registrar. Many councils will have contact information on their website, or can connect you to the registrar if you call.

you can start here - Gravois Trail Information | Greater St. Louis Area Scouting - Look at the contact Info section and start with District Executive

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Great, thank you! I emailed our District Executive.

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