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As a parent I have full control of my scout in Scoutbook. We have figured out that also as a Troop Committee Member I also have the ability to mark rank advancement, merit badges, and awards as Leader Approved and Awarded. Our troops advancement chair would like to edit the permissions for Committee Members so they can not mark items as Leader Approved and Awarded.
For someone who is other-than-a-parent, you can bulk revise the connections to View Advancement in Connection Manager. However, this may have other impacts. For example, Full Control is required to run certain reports.
It is not possible to alter the Full Control settings for a parent. If a parent is also a leader, the parent/leader has irrevocable Full Control as both a leader and a parent, unless their leader position is ended.
ETA: I should probably have clarified that the permissions in Scoutbook don’t have that level of granularity, due to how they were initially architected. Changing the permissions structure to be more granular is one of the most common requests I’ve seen in the forums.
This cannot be done. All leaders with Edit Advancement or Full Control can mark items Leader Approved. Parents who are leaders that do not have responsibility for advancement should be instructed not to mark Leader Approved.
Per the Guide to Advancement, the Unit Leader (Scoutmaster) is responsible for all advancement signoffs, not the Advancement Chair. The Unit Leader decides who in the troop can sign off advancement which in Scoutbook, means to mark things Leader Approved.