Committee Chair Swap Issues


Outgoing Committee Chair trying to have a nice long overlap with my successor. We made the switch in Scoutbook, but it doesn’t seem to have completely carried over on the back end. New CC is not getting application notices or renewal notices, and I still have Application Manager access in my.scouting, yet I don’t even show as a leader anywhere.

Please help! Ultimately, we’d like myself to be a Pack Committee member until my Scout crosses this coming February. My member ID is: 132831071

My successor should be the only Committee Chair for our Pack. His member ID is: 14109707 Please let me know if there’s any additional details you need. Thank you!

@TrishaCheek The official roster is at my.Scouting. Your pack’s Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate) needs to use the Position Manager at my.Scouting to make the change. They need to drag and drop the new person into the Committee Chair role, move you to Committee Member, and then save.

After an overnight process runs, they should be able to give you the functional role of Key 3 Delegate at my.Scouting (using the Position Manager).

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@TrishaCheek You should be back on the pack’s roster again tomorrow.

Thank you! Appreciate the help.

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