I have an adult leader (Scouts BSA Committee Member) working on their position specific training and is unable to complete 1 course due to tech difficulties on the BSA website (see screenshot). They can not get past Aims and Methods. It locks at the screen capture below and they can’t continue. What is their next step to get over this hump?
@ChristyCochran have they clicked on all the methods?
Yeah as they finish each Method it turns Grey - very simple
They have to click on each of the Methods of Scouting, so that the picture looks like this:
Then the Continue button will work.
The leader mentioned they tried multiple times, but I’ll double check with them and update once I hear back. Thanks @DonovanMcNeil !
They said they have clicked on each button during their multiple attempts to try and get past this slide. I am now having them try with a different browser to see if it’s a cache or some other local issue.