Correcting advancement dates after they were leader appr

We need to correct the date a rank advancement was earned because it referenced an incorrect BOR Date. Troop admin is trying to follow the instructions below, but the “Leader Approved” checkbox is not editable (cannot be unchecked), so neither the BOR nor the rank Earned dates can be changed.

So, the scout has an “earned” date for a rank that is earlier than the actual BOR Date (when the rank requirements were actually completed and earned).

The Troop Admin should do the following:

  1. First clear the date for the rank by clicking on the completion line then backspacing over the date. Remove any approved or awarded check marks.
  2. Click on the Board of Review requirement, and change that date. (if you have to change any other rank requirement dates as well, clear the BOR date first like you did the rank date)
  3. Update the rank date.

OK @LauraCompton First you can do nothing if the next rank is approved - so you have to work backwards - (ex. if FC is wrong but Star is approved you first have to clear Star)

First click the approve box to unapprove and save > then go in and clear or change the date and save.

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@LauraCompton of and if all requirements are filled in all the above apply but just first try to change the BOR date and not clear overall date

Working backwards fixed the problem - thank you!!

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