Incorrectly entered Star date

Hi! I have a Scout who completed his Star rank, but the Advancement Chair entered the wrong date (off by a month), and clicked Leader Approved.

This Scout is time limited and i tried to correct the date, but Scoutbook wont let me change to the correct date since it had Leader Approved checked.

I would like to know how to fix this so i can enter the date for the Scout completing Life.


Bill Hensley
SM, Troop 15 Oklahoma City

Uncheck approved > then change Date > then Re Approve > will work in Legacy Scoutbook as long as all Tenure dates are still good @BillHensley - Date needs to match BOR date as well

@BillHensley Are all of the individual requirements checked off for Star rank?

If so, then you will need to temporarily remove one of the individual requirements (for example: Scoutmaster conference) to stop the requirements from “rolling up” and marking the rank as completed and approved overall. Then you can change the board of review date, and then add the individual requirement back.


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