I have been on a webinar recently (by National covering ScoutBook) and they mentioned the Council ScoutBook Admin(s) having the ability to create Council and District calendars. This is terrific!
I have recently been granted access to this feature and wanted to look to help set up these events for our Units so they don’t have to (re)enter events themselves on the individual Unit calendars…however… I cannot find where this feature is available and haven’t found a help guide explaining the process.
Has anyone done this in other Councils? Am I missing where this is performed?
I clicked around on the current calendar and didn’t see this option after gaining Council admin access and searched the ScoutBook help files/knowledgebase. This must’ve been a feature at one time because even the invite email made mention of managing Council and District calendars.
Thanks all for the help!
…and while @ZacharyMcCarty is hunting info on how to enter this information, how can we as unit leaders subscribe to those calendars?
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This was a feature that was started years ago but dropped because it was decided that Councils used too many different calendar systems and they were not going to move to a new system. There is currently no support for council or district calendars in Scoutbook and I do not know of anything in the backlog to add them.
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It would be good to know who said that so we can attempt to correct the misinformation.
@edavignon, great… I guess someone should have told those at National performing the webinar last week on ScoutBook 101 (with over 3600 people in attendance) that this feature doesn’t exist. It was billed pretty heavily that this is a feature available now. Wish the different departments of BSA could read from the same playbook and not operate in silos (and I know this isn’t on you).
Oh, and someone should update the Council admin invitation email to remove that as an example of something a Council admin can do
It was this webinar here on 7/16: BSA Marketing and Membership Hub : Scouting Wire
The video hasn’t been posted, yet. I think it was the product manager for ScoutBook and DLE who presented.
Thank you. It seems they were working off outdated information.
See the question in the video at 40:50, where they are talking about the DLE and the Scouting App. Also, the presentation shown in the webinar at slide 8 does say that “From main calendar, can also see Pack, Districit, and/or Council calendar.” This is on slide 7 of the presentation that was posted on the Marketing Hub.
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@jacobfetzer, it was Micaela Monson who was presenting and had the slide deck that referenced District and Council calendars
Yes, I know. Ed talked to her earlier today. Thank you.
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