If we are attempting to create a Scout-led environment, why then can’t they create calendar event in Scoutbook, at least the SPL, ASPL, and Scribe should have this access. Yes they can send messages; however, I’d like them to take additional responsibility for creating the events in Scoutbook. This would allow them too use the RSVP function and send reminders. If there’s a way to enable this currently and I’m just not seeing it, please let me know; otherwise I’d like to see this functionality added. Thank you!
Scout calendar access has been requested before. I don’t know if/where it is in the backlog. I believe one issue that came up in the discussion at the time was that the calendar module wasn’t architected to permit youth accounts to have edit access.
@CharleyHamilton is correct; upgrading the calendar module is in the development backlog.
We work around this restriction by having a dummy adult account for the PLC’s usage. It’s got the “committee secretary” role, and view profile and view advancement for all the Scouts. That let’s the PLC members update the calendar, message all the Scouts, leaders, and parents in the unit, and run advancement reports to help with troop meeting planning.
Thanks Charley for that information. Hopefully they will be able to change that at some point soon because it will definitely help us be more “scout-led”.
That’s a great work around Steve. Thanks – I will set-up something similar.
Actually with SSO required now, I can’t set up a dummy account because I need the SSO and a BSA #. Worth a shot I guess. Oh well…hoping the request will make it through the backlog.
Should be marketed as Scouter-book with the tag line “Expect less of your PLs and scribes.”
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