Creating recurring events ignores end time

When I create a recurring event with a start time of 7p and an end time of 8:30p, the events are all created with an end time of 7:30p and cannot be updated in bulk.

I was not able to reproduce your error. Did even the initial instance of the event have the wrong end time? Have you tried it more than once? What recurrence type do you have set? What time zone are you in? Are you running the feature assistant extension?

Yes, even the first instance is incorrect. I’ve tried it more than 3 times. It’s a recurring “weekly one day”. Central time zone. Feature assistant extension not installed.

Event name: Meeting
Event type: Troop Meeting
Event start time: 7:00 pm
Event end time: 8:30 pm
Event description: Weekly meeting
Repeat event: true
Recurrence type: Weekly one day
Select the days: M(onday)
Event start date: 2/12/2024
End date: 5/20/2024
Required permission slips: false
Event with RSVP: false
Event location (location): Scout barn
Event location (url):
Disable reminders for this event: true

Does it work properly for non-recurring events?

Yeah I have tried to get this error with no luck

Yes, end date is fine for single events. It must be something in the client-side JavaScript. The payload for creating the recurring event shows the incorrect difference of 30 mins.

The non-recurring event is correct.

Have you tried it on more than one device?

Actually, the recurring event payload does have the correct “endTime”. It looks like “toTime” overrides that.

Tried it on my phone, same result.