Cub Scout Archery requirements

I have had a few Units complain that the Cub Scout Archery achievements are only displaying requirement #1 for all requirements. It came up after a recent District event.

@MarcMcGrain that is because the Archery, BB and Slingshot adventures are all controlled Electives. These Adventures can only be completed at approved events with qualified instructors.

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I understand that. However, how is a leader supposed to enter it if the Scout did not complete everything at 1 event? I understand if it was completely done.

they should be able to enter requirements dates - but it seems there might be a bug

@MarcMcGrain can you get them to sign in to forums so I can setup a screenshare?

@MarcMcGrain on first try on Test I hit issue - but on second test on the real system everything worked for for marking individual requirements - now If the organizer did not layout what was completed “your scouts finished 1-3” and just said they did 3 of the requirements - that is the organizers fault. Scouting America is not going to publish these requirements any where except in their Safety manuals.

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So they can enter individual completed requirements, just not see them.
I will update the Council Committees so they are aware of that.

@MarcMcGrain well they see requirements are done - but it does not layout description of the requirements

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@MarcMcGrain - there is a bold text note explaining this on the adventure pages in scoutbook plus