It would be great if SB+ had the feature to organize the roster by dens and who the % of rank complete next to each scout’s name, like the old ScoutBook had. Thanks for having a thread for suggestions!
Click on Den in the roster heading to sort by den.
I pass the request to show %complete to next rank in the roster to the developers.
I do that each time I log in. Each login after, it defaults back to the alphabetical order roster. I was hoping it would stay organized by dens between logins so I don’t have to change it each time.
There is an item in the backlog to make the grouping selection “sticky” I do not know when it will be scheduled for implementation.
Ok, great! Thanks for the info and forwarding the % suggestion on to the developers!
Related to this: request the ability to collapse-all, expand-all for den groupings.
With 74 Scouts on our roster, this would make life a lot easier.
@RyanTashma I have asked the developers to add this to the backlog. We do not know when or if it will be implemented.
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