Den Chiefs missing from pack roster

Scoutbook shows four Den Chiefs serving our Cub Scout pack:

However, Scoutbook Plus only shows two Den Chiefs on our pack roster:

How do I add the missing Den Chiefs to the official pack roster? Do their respective Scoutmasters need to take some action?

M.R. Huff
Committee Chairman
Cub Scout Pack 3079
BSA Member 137186000

If you edit the den, you should be able to pull them in on Scoutbook Plus.

Or if you post BSA # we can take a look at them too

When I open the Edit Den pop-up in ScoutBook Plus, I see boxes with Available Scouts, Scouts in Den, Available Adults, and Adults in Den. None of my four Den Chiefs appears in any of those boxes.

M.R. Huff
Committee Chairman
Cub Scout Pack 3079
BSA Member 137186000

It looks like it’s not there any more. I’m checking with the developers whether it was removed on purpose or not. If you provide one of their bsa member numbers, we can look them up, but I’m not certain it will tell us anything.

@Bagheera 2 things - 1. The Troop needs to approve the DC position for the Scout. 2. Not sure it is assigned to a pack

In my testing this morning, I saw that the pack has no visibility into whether the troop has approved the den chief position. The only symptom is that they do not appear on the SB+ roster or as possible invitees to events.

Problem solved. Thank you, Donovan! The Den Chief position on his leadership page now bears the white-on-green check mark of approval, and his name now appears on the pack’s roster in Scoutbook Plus.

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