Den leaders managing across entire rank for advancements

In our pack, we have 2-3 dens per rank but all of the den leaders coordinate their activities. Therefore any den leader can update advancement information for any scout in the rank. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Set up each den leader with 2 positions - one for each den?
Manually update connections for all of the scouts?


@HarlanHeiber - I would gather that each den has their respective assigned den leaders/assistants. What you could do if following this mode is to assign the peers as den admins for the peer dens. In effect they are working as teams so that may work.

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Each den has unique assigned 2-3 den leaders, but they collaborate across all dens in the rank.

So I set them up as Den Admin role / position for the other den?

@HarlanHeiber - you certainly can as long as there is an understanding that the actual den leaders will approve advancement within their respective dens. All of this is a process flow and trust that the leaders will do what is right by their charges.

Any of the den leaders can approve across dens. Are the Den Admins not able to do that’s?

Hi, @HarlanHeiber,

Any adult leader with Edit Advancement permissions can approve advancement in Scoutbook for any scout to whom that leader is connected with those permissions.

Den Admins are specific to each den. So, a Den Admin assigned to Den 2 would automatically be granted Full Control permissions (which includes Edit Advancement) for the scouts in Den 2, IIRC. Therefore, he or she could approve in Scoutbook any advancement in Den 2. Unless he or she was also a Den Admin for Den 1 (or was otherwise assigned Edit Advancement permissions), he or she could not approve anything in Scoutbook for the scouts in Den 2.

Does that make more sense about how Scoutbook is functioning?

Yep. Thanks! I will give that a try.

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