Yes, it’s only available to council admins.
The problem is that there is no “standard” way to escape commas in a comma-separated field inside a CSV.
The header row for this file is:
"UserID","BSAMemberID","First Name","Last Name","Email","YPTExpiryDate","Units","Districts","ListingPreference","Availability","Merit Badges"
Note the last field, “Merit Badges”. This is a SINGLE field which, itself, contains a comma separated list of badges. For example:
"Family Life, Gardening, Reading, Textile, Signs, Signals, and Codes"
So is this person a merit badge counselor for 5 badges, or 7?
This, on the other hand is very clearly 5 badges, one of which is “Signs, Signals, and Codes”:
"Family Life| Gardening| Reading| Textile| Signs, Signals, and Codes"
Even better would be to eliminate the redundant spaces and do this:
"Family Life|Gardening|Reading|Textile|Signs, Signals, and Codes"
Comma is a TERRIBLE separator to use INSIDE a field in a CSV file. The giant brain trust at ScoutBook should change this.