Did the Eagle Palm advancement section disappear, get moved or changed?

@KristineSchulz Developers are working on a fix to the palm issue.

Please describe what you saw when he was dropped by scoutbook and how it was corrected?

Thank you for the quick response!

His entire account literally disappeared - he no longer existed. He crossed over February 2016 and the account disappeared prior to April 2019.

To my knowledge, the account was recreated by hand: Scout, tenderfoot, 2nd class, 1st class are all marked completed April 20th, leader approved May 28th and marked awarded June 17th in 2019.

14 merit badges are ‘Leader approved on BSA Administration’. All MB are marked awarded on April 10, 2019.

Thanks again, Kris

@KristineSchulz If I’m understanding correctly, nothing has disappeared since 2019? Is there something that is still missing that I should be looking for? I do see a couple accounts that were deleted around that time.

The missing Eagle Palm issue has been fixed.

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