District Call / Email Lists

Is there any way to generate a contact list (unit, name, phone, e-mail) for all adults in the district registered with a unit in the:

  1. New Member Coordinator position (district membership committee announcements)
  2. Webelos Den Leader position (district Webelos to Scout transition announcements)

The “Functional Role Assignment Report” from district Roster module provides this information for Advancement Chair, Training Chair, Registration Inquiry and YPT Champion supporting many district committee functions.

One workaround for Membership committee needs might be assigning the Registration Inquiry role to all New Member Coordinators.

The only workaround I’ve found for Webelos to Scout transition would be to go through Packs individually and export a Roster report.

These needs would be directly addressed by a “Position Assignment Report” by unit that mirrors the “Functional Role Assignment Report”.

Trained Leader report I think would get you what you’re after.

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Yes, confirming that a CSV (Details) export of the Trained Leaders report for the district includes name, position and e-mail. It still lacks the phone number from the Functional Role Report. But at least now we can generate an e-mail list of New Member Coordinators and Webelos Leaders!

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