Eagle Application Report vs Manual PDF Version

Is there a way when looking at a printed Eagle application to determine if it is the application report from Scoutbook or the blank empty editable PDF version where the Scout has to complete all of the data? In our council the districts collect the paperwork on behalf of council and forward it to the registrar. We do a pre-flight accuracy check at the district level before we forward it to council. I’d like be able to tell my people that they do not have to check the dates for errors and typos if it’s the report version. Am I wrong in thinking that we could skip that with the report vs scout typed?

Since Scoutbook just fills in blanks of the PDF and all fields Scoutbook completes are fully editable, the Scout could still make changes.

Knowing that the Scout started with the Scoutbook filled form would not preclude the need to check for accuracy.

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Ya, I thought that might be the answer.

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