Edit/Enter Past Adventures

Am I correct in understanding that neither a unit nor the council can edit or enter completed adventures from the prior program (pre-June of 2024)?

Also am I to understand that wants a Scouts moves to the new rank in the system (in June) the unit can no longer enter adventures or edit them for a prior rank. So Scouts who are Tigers now will move up in June to Wolves so the unit will not be able to enter or edit adventures after May 31.

Let me know if these two things are correct or if I’m mistaken or if you need more clarification.

I am a council employee with full access to the admin side of ScoutBook. I don’t regularly work with ScoutBook so I tried to search the help section and the forums for direction and sort of think I have the answer but wanted to make sure.

@ErikKarre for Cubs - den level defines all advancement in Scoutbook. So when a Unit decides to advance den to the next level it becomes harder to enter previous advancements, it can be done by putting the scout in that old den level. Councils can enter old advancements using Registrar Tools


As of December 31, 2024, Cub Scout advancement from the prior program can no longer be entered into Scoutbook or Scoutbook Plus. Council staff with access to Registrar Tools can enter advancement from the pre-June 2024 Cub Scout program.

As Donovan said, the Den level of a Scout determines which advancement can be entered. If a den is advanced in Scoutbook Plus before all of the advancement for the previous level has been entered, the den can simply be moved back to the prior level, advancement entered, then returned to the current level.