Need to input advancements, Pack is about 2 to 3 years behind

I took over as COR for a Troop and Pack. I am trying to get Scoutbook straightened out now that rechartering and renewals are done. But I noticed that our Pack’s advancement is about two years, if not three, behind on marking advancements in Scoutbook. The issue is that we’re so far behind that the versions of everything have changed drastically. I am having to change dens into the previous ranks in order award things, and if I accidentally change the version to 2024 (or whatever the new version is) the old version disappears along with all the required adventures. It is a huge mess. I am determined to get this stuff entered in correctly, but it is going to be a rough time. I have been considered using Troopmaster and importing the correct awards, but Troopmaster doesn’t have these older versions either.

I am disappointed, because if I had the older Scoutbook interface, I could fix this relatively easily, it would just take a lot of clicks. But in Scoutbook Plus I think this is going to be even more difficult. Any ideas?


Scoutbook no longer allows older versions to be entered into the database. Units were given 6 months to get their records up to date. Your only option now is to ask your Council to enter past advancements via Registrar Tools.

Thanks, I guess I’ll try that route. Do you know when that deadline was by chance?

Old versions were made read only on 12/31/24.

And I would just enter ranks - not all the Cub Adventures

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That is what I ended up doing. Had to change each Den back a year or two to get the correct ranks assigned. A few of them didn’t get their correct Bobcat, but it’ll all work out. Able to clear the backlog of 181 awards needing approval.

Thanks to you all.

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