Edit previous den meeting in leader app

I’m just wondering if I can edit a previous meeting? For instance, if I forgot to take attendence… As my leaders are learning to use this tool, some have missed steps. Is there a way to help them fix things they’ve missed?

ETA: Oops. I missed that this is in the DLE forum. I think what’s below is still true, but DLE was released after I was already familiar with “regular” Scoutbook, so I didn’t make the switch before I moved to the troop

In principle, anyone who is a den or pack admin (or unit Key 3) can edit attendance at any point after the meeting starts (plus a short time period before that I can’t recall). I know that pack secretary can edit the pack calendar, but I’m not sure if they can also edit the den calendars.

I’m not aware of any limit on how soon after the meeting you have to take attendance. But I’m also not a user of DLE, and it isn’t exactly know for its flexibility.

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