Email Reminders sending wrong time?

Hey y’all, thanks in advance for the help!

My SB calendar is set to send reminders two days prior to den meetings. Unfortunately the emails are telling folks the meeting starts an hour early! Checked the calendar and the time is entered correctly. Listed correctly under the Events tab. Did I miss setting a time zone somewhere or something? We’re on EST.

Thanks again!

When you are on your unit page, look at the URL. What is the number after “unitID=“?

I’ve got “119495”


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Our reminders show 2h delay. Our Pack had a hike at 11am and the reminder said 1pm. They original invite said 11am and when I checked in Scoutbook, the event still had the correct time: 11am. It changes it every time!

@AgnieszkaEgan When you are on your unit page, look at the URL. What is the number after “unitID=“? Are you Pacific Time?

unit ID 87642. Yes, Pacific Time; we are in California. Interestingly enough My other son’s Troop reminders from Scoutbook display correct time (ID35495) - it’s the same town and the same calendar I’m using.

Here is something different I noticed - our Pack reminder (that changed time) does not say Pacific time but the one from the Troop does, so my guess is that it must be somewhere in the settings?
Our Pack:
The original invite: When: Sep 19, 2020, 11am - 1pm (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time
REMINDER: When: Sep 19, 2020 1pm-3pm
Our Troop:
Original invite: When: Sep 2, 2020 4pm-5pm (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time
REMINDER: When: Sep 2, 2020 4pm-5pm (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time

@AgnieszkaEgan Your timezone was never set for that unit. I’ve ask the developers to set it.

Great, thank you! I did not realize that’s something that has to be set up manually.

It was supposed to be set automatically when scoutbook implemented timezone support, but evidently, a bunch were missed for one reason or another. We are hoping the developers can implement a way for users to set it for themselves. In the meantime, we have this.

Is this maybe the case with my pack as well?

@JessicaKeegan Is what the case? I suspect yours is fixed by now.

We are having the same issue. We are UnitID=92897 and should be on Eastern time, but everything seems to go out in central time.

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We have asked the developers to set your unit to Eastern time.

Thank you! That will avoid a lot of confusion.

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