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I’m trying to Export events for a one year period, however, I seem to get an error if I do anything more than about one months worth.
When I select 10/01/2020 through 12/31/2020, for example, I get the following error in my Developer Console in Chrome:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of null
at getEditEventPgUAGEx (eventexport.js:579)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhttp.onreadystatechange (eventexport.js:550)”
I am able to do the export if I do it one month at a time, but that is obviously quite tedious.
In case it matters, my account can see 3 different units. (But only 2 of them have any Events in them.)
Do you have any events in your calendar that are events for multiple unit calendars - where you are not in both units? (e.g. shared Pack-Troop or Boys Troop-Girls Troop?)
It is not possible to share a calendar between multiple units, but an admin in 2 units can create a single event that is on two calendars. This often causes problems for those that are not in both units.