Having trouble adding a Den Leader

Hi, I’m a Pack admin in ScoutBook and having trouble adding a Den leader. When I try to add a leader, I search and find the correct person, select Den leader and then it will only allow me to select 2 or the 6 Dens we have, the others are grayed out. I have tried selecting several different adults in our Pack but always the same ones are grayed out. Can someone tell me what causes a Den to be grayed out when trying to add a leader?



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Tiger Den leader and Webelos Den Leaders are different positions from Den Leader

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I thought that national was eliminating the distinction? Or was that just patch wise?

just patch wise - they are likely going the other way on names - so there will be no den leader - but Lion DL, Tiger DL, etc

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Thank you very much, I had not noticed there is a Tiger Den Leader choice in the list! I thought you just chose Den Leader and then selected the Den and couldn’t figure out why some where grayed out.

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You’re not the first… and you won’t be the last. That’s how Donovan knew what to do so quickly.

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