OK. I’d I’m understanding correctly, you are currently showing as approved in Scoutbook for some (but not all) of the merit badges that your council thinks you are approved to counsel. Based on what you’re seeing, it looks like an issue that your council may have to address internally, or at least escalate to support via their internal channels, since Scoutbook support is no longer available to users directly.
There was a recent change to how merit badge counselors (and their badges) are added to/updated in Scoutbook. It’s described here: September 21, 2020 Scoutbook Updates - Merit Badge Counselors
Are you also a unit-level leader in a troop? If so, you should be able to go to
My Dashboard → My Units
and scroll down to the bottom where your council is listed. If your council has uploaded a MBC list at any point, it will show a date there like it does in the snapshot below
If there’s a date there, your council will have to update the badges for which you are approved. I know that some council folks have had issues with getting exact matches on names and had to fiddle with the upload/update process to get it to work. There is more information on the new process here: